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Meet Our Dedicated Sports Staff

Learn about the experienced and passionate coaches who lead our athletic teams to success.

Dana Ybarra
Dana Ybarra

Athletic Director
Phone: (928)257-8743 or Ext. 1019

A Message from the Athletic Director

Welcome to Harvest Prep Academy, Home of the Eagles! Here at HPA we are a small school and each and every one of our athletes is an important member of our athletic community. Our athletes are encouraged not only to participate in multiple sports, but other extra-curricular activities as well. Our championship banners displayed in our cafeteria are a reminder of our athletes’ pride and dedication to our school. Participating in athletics provides our student-athletes with meaningful opportunities to grow both as an individual and as a team member. We believe there are many life-skills that can best be learned through competition in middle and high school athletics. Self-discipline, hard work, perseverance, and teamwork are just some of the qualities that participation in athletics can teach our athletes. There is no better place to learn how to deal with not only success but failure as well than through athletic competition. Athletics can be that spark a young individual needs to help motivate them in the classroom as well. As Director of Athletics at HPA, I encourage all our students to participate in a sport and become part of our Harvest Family.

Now let’s go and have a fantastic school year.

Go Eagles!

Meet Our HPA Sports Staff

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At Harvest Preparatory Academy, we value the partnership between our school and families in supporting our student athletes. Stay informed and share your feedback to help us continually improve our program.

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Discover how Harvest Preparatory Academy can empower you on your educational journey. Whether you're aiming to start strong or looking to elevate your academic experience, we're here to guide and support you.

Call us at (928) 706-9586 to assist you.
Llámanos al (928) 706-9586 para atenderte.