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A No Cost Public Charter School

It is the mission of Harvest Preparatory Academy to guide each student into a high level of academic achievement and success through the development of their Personal integrity to their family, community, school and self; and to attain this success through an academically rich rigorous educational program.
Yuma Campus

HPA Yuma

1044 N. 10th Ave.
San Luis, AZ 85349
Phone: 928-627-5008

San Luis Campus

HPA San Luis

1044 N. 10th Ave.
San Luis, AZ 85349
Phone: 928-627-5008

Yuma Preschool Campus

HPA Yuma Preschool

1793 S 1st Ave
Yuma, AZ85364
Phone: 928-276-4286

Contact Us to Learn More About Our School

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Take the Next Step!

Discover how Harvest Preparatory Academy can empower you on your educational journey. Whether you're aiming to start strong or looking to elevate your academic experience, we're here to guide and support you.

Call us at (928) 706-9586 to assist you.
Llámanos al (928) 706-9586 para atenderte.