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Special Education

HPA Special Education

The goal of HPA Special Education Department is to provide high-quality inclusive special education services to holistically improve academic outcomes of exceptionally-able students.

Being committed to Child Find, Harvest SPED excels to minimize labeling. We continuously address the least restrictive environment necessary for the productive, differentiated learning processes of our students. We work together to give effective and efficient services for all our students from K-12. We collaborate with the general education teachers, coaches and parents to develop systematic techniques and strategies to assist our kids and teens to strive and succeed. Our strong and dynamic team is always dedicated to enable knowledge, enhance skills, and support learning development of our students by challenging and inspiring them in meeting their individualized goals in academic, social-emotional and communication skills, plus other related services. The Special Education Services of HPA are always delivered in a meaningful, positive and safe manner for children. We involve families in achieving their children’s goals as we provide specially-designed instruction, preparing students to college and work force. In accordance with federal and state requirements, we ensure that timelines are met and all required documentations are completed.

View The Anatomy of an IEP

Who Qualifies For Special Education?

In order to qualify for special education under the regulations that implement the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a child needs to be a child with a disability, meaning that the child has been evaluated as having a qualifying disability, and by reason thereof needs special education. [See 34 C.F.R. § 300.8(a)]

  • The child must have a qualifying disability as defined by the IDEA regulations;
  • The disability must have an adverse effect on the child’s educational performance; and
  • The child must need specially designed instruction in order to access and make progress in the general education curriculum.

The disability categories under the IDEA are listed in the section below.

Meet Our Special Education Team

Disability Categories

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Take the Next Step!

Discover how Harvest Preparatory Academy can empower you on your educational journey. Whether you're aiming to start strong or looking to elevate your academic experience, we're here to guide and support you.

Call us at (928) 706-9586 to assist you.
Llámanos al (928) 706-9586 para atenderte.